Seminare – Kernkompetenzen im Einkauf
Fundamentals of Purchasing Controlling
The Tools of Purchasing Controller
The seminar provides you with a well-founded and practical overview of all the aspects of a professional purchasing controlling. You will learn how to implement an effective reporting in purchasing and how to use crucial key performance indicators for the controlling of all procurement aspects.
Target Group
Buyers, purchasing managers and controllers who want to get an overview of the individual aspects of effective procurement controlling
Training Methods
Lectures, practical examples, group work, exercises and discussion
Please note that when booking the online seminar, the participant's e-mail address is required for sending the dial-in link!!
Thomas Roithmeier
382530505 |
1.495,– €
Plus 19% VAT |
382531017 |
1.495,– €
Plus 19% VAT |
Benefits and Objectives of Purchasing Controlling
- Tasks, goals and contents of professional purchasing controlling
- Requirements, prerequisites, and success factors for effective purchasing controlling
- Establishment of a holistic purchasing controlling: methodology, approach
- Responsibilities in the purchasing controlling process
Data Sources for Meaningful, Holistic Purchasing Controlling
- Essential external and internal data sources for purchasing controlling
- What information and data should definitely be included
- Data Validation: What requirements data must meet
- Data source ERP-System: analysis of data quality, validation of data and methods to improve data quality
No Controlling without Planning: Best Practice Example for Planning the Earnings Contribution of Purchasing
- Why savings must be planned systematically and in detail
- A market-oriented commodity structure of the purchasing volume as a prerequisite for success
- Methods and Instruments for planning the earnings contribution of purchasing
- Why planned purchasing successes often do not have an impact on earnings
- Systematically identifying, avoiding or reducing the implementation risks of purchasing successes
- Best practice tool: TCO-analysis of savings potentials at commodity group level
Measurement and Reporting of Savings Successes
- How best-in-class companies measure and report the P&L impact of savings
- Definition of purchasing successes and result-oriented calculation formulas
- „Savings“ versus „Avoided Costs“: differences in measurement and reporting
- Measuring and reporting savings in a P&L-effective manner
- Ensuring the P&L-Impact of savings for new requirements or investments
- From planning to P&L-impact: the controlling process for savings
The Most Important Key Figures in Purchasing
- Limitations and weaknesses of KPI systems
- Development of KPIs and KPI systems: approach and success factors
- How to report KPIs concisely
- The 90 most important KPIs for measuring and controlling purchasing:
- Basic KPIs
- Process-oriented KPIs
- Savings-oriented KPIs
- Supplier-related KPIs
- KPIs to measure the standing of the purchasing organization
- KPIs to measure the efficiency of purchasing staff - Checklists: key figure formulas and recommended survey periods
Development of a professional reporting system in purchasing
- Requirements for professional and transparent reporting
- Structure of purchasing reporting to provide a reliable preview of P&L savings
- Bridging the gap between reported purchasing successes and P&L savings
- Building attention-grabbing and meaningful reporting
- Checklist: purchase reporting requirements
- Case study: Best-in-class examples of purchasing reporting